Three-star hotel Follonica, sea, Tuscany
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3-star hotel in Follonica, sea, Tuscany

Where we are and contacts

Hotel Parrini Follonica
How to reach us and contacts

Come raggiungere Hotel Parrini in Toscana al mare Hotel Parrini
Viale Italia 103,
58022 Follonica (GR)
Tuscany Italy
Contattaci per camere in hotel a Follonica, mare Toscana +39.0566.40293
Contattaci per camere in hotel a Follonica, mare Toscana +39.0566.44017
Contatta Hotel Parrini

How to reach us by car

To reach our hotel in Follonica on satellite navigators, it is necessary to set ‘’ via merloni ’’ before it to the end, pass the small parking square.

Fom North
From South


Bus with a height less than 4 meters

Bus with a height greater than 4 meters

Request information

Contact us by phone for a seaside holiday in Tuscany +39.0566.40293

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Hotel Parrini Follonoca, Grosseto, Toscana

Hotel Parrini S.r.l.
Viale Italia 103, 58022 Follonica (GR) Partita IVA 01179100530

Hotel Certification Ecolabel Tuscany Mare Toscana

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